Fearless Wealth Research Pricing

93.6% of all performance comes down to one thing. Get this one thing right and get everything right.

6 Months

Monthly market report

Monthly bonus live Q&A

Alerts on market changes

Model portfolio

And more...


When paid $294 each 6 months


Monthly market report

Monthly bonus live Q&A

Alerts on market changes

Model portfolio

And more...


When paid $468 each year

Two Years

Monthly market report

Monthly bonus live Q&A

Alerts on market changes

Model portfolio

And more...


When paid $696 every two years

Stays quiet until needed

Have your life on the blue line without trading or timing

Designed with a single focus: protect from rare but expected 50% falls in the stock market. More than easy to implement and understand - its downright common sense [once you see it]. All at prices that are fair and honest.

It's not magic, it's math

Built for the unexpected

Real portfolio strategies prepare for the worst but don't predict it. So we follow price. Not fear and not hype. The market is complex but the solution doesn't have to be.

Alerts you to trouble

A powerfully simple investment approach

We keep an eye on the markets. So you can protect your future from catastrophic falls like, 2000 and 2008. Know with confidence if it's safe to stay in the market regardless of fundamentals stuck at extremes for years.

You don't need to suffer through the next catastrophic drop

What to expect from us

  • Model portfolio

    A clear portfolio to follow and understand

  • Interim alerts

    If anything changes between monthly reports we will notify you immediately

  • Investment library

    Free access to guides that will show you the ins and outs of passive income, annuities, and much more

  • Bonus live q&a

    Connect directly with RC once a month on his Bonus Live Q&A call

  • In depth research

    Every month you will receive an in depth research report

  • Deep dives

    Quarterly deep dives on gold, bonds, International or other topics


  • Time tested

    Founded in June 1998. We have over twenty years of experiential understanding


  • Noise free

    A filter to eliminate the hype, fear, noise, angst and overwhelm that gets dumped on us daily

We've got your back, we will work harder than anyone else

Frequently asked questions

What if I don't like the service?

You have 30 days to check everything out. If you don’t like what you see then we will hand you back 90% of your money.

What if I already have 3 to 6 newsletters?

We’ve found investment newsletters are actually the source of many people’s source of angst and worry and not the solution. We de-escalate. And focus on the big picture.

If I have a question, can I talk to someone?

Yes. And we’ve found the fastest way we can support all our subscribers is by email. We are quick to reply so you never feel left hanging.

What if I have questions about the service?

You can ask them each month at our Bonus Live A&Q.


A powerfully simple investment approach.

6 Months

Monthly market report

Monthly bonus live Q&A

Alerts on market changes

Model portfolio

And more...


When paid $294 each 6 months


Monthly market report

Monthly bonus live Q&A

Alerts on market changes

Model portfolio

And more...


When paid $468 each year

Two Years

Monthly market report

Monthly bonus live Q&A

Alerts on market changes

Model portfolio

And more...


When paid $696 every two years

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