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Let us help you become the smartest investor in the room, by working less. AND saving money.

Our Most Stable Investment Strategy Ever.

If You Lost Money In The 2008 and 2000’s Stock Market Crashes And Are Worried About The Next One, Then I’d Like To Show What Happened If You Ask The Right Question(s).


If you know how to get the answers to that right question(s) then regardless of age, risk type, background or wealth you can find stability, growth, and most importantly, you can know when you should be in or out of the market.

Fortunately, there is a better way.  

The answers to the right questions will tell you when to be in or out of the market AND where to be invested when IN the market and where to be invested when OUT of it.

You’ll Get Investment Stability Today Without The Noise.

It’s time to end the hype, cut through the B.S. and discover the powerfully simple steps that work to protect and secure investors financial futures.

Let me explain…

There are two ISSUES with how investors go about solving their investing problems:


They hire Big Box Advisors. Big Box Advisors keep their clients in the market even when the market falls 40%, 50% and even 60%. Which means their clients (that’s you) end up taking devastating losses [on average] every 10 years.

And these losses even happen for investor’s that have a 60/40 stock/bond approach. Or a “Balanced” approach. Or a “Blended” approach. Or a Diversified approach.


All Pick of the Month Investment Newsletter companies overwhelm you with noise, hype and fear. Which hijacks your brain to either being too conservative for too long. AND then your money underperforms for years. Or you act too aggressively and your money ends up taking big losses. Or both.

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The Solution: Know When To Be In Or Out Of The Market Without Trading or Timing.

For an investment strategy to work it has to be powerfully simple. Easy to implement. Easy to follow. And answers two questions.

The first question - Should I be in or out of the stock market?

This is where the entire game of investing is won or lost. There was a paper that was published in 1986 titled, The Determinants of Portfolio Performance. And the paper clearly showed that 93.6% of all market performance came from knowing how to answer this one question.

The second question - And if IN, then where? And/or, If OUT then where?

And then once the investor knows which asset to be in, then they might want to know what segment of the asset is safely accelerating higher.

When the investor asks these two questions they can set up their money to avoid the big falls while safely accelerating their money.

The 2000 Dotcom -50% Crash...How Did This Approach Do?

The blue line in the price chart below is the result of just asking the first of the two-question strategy. Notice the difference between the blue line and the red line.

The red line in the price chart below is the S&P500 index.

The price chart above has THREE TAKEAWAYS:

1. How long did it take for the buy and hold investor to breakeven? Answer: six long, scary years of not knowing when they’d get back to breakeven.

Note, they didn’t make any money during this six years. This is what it took just to get to breakeven. And the above price chart does NOT even show the damage of inflation. If it did, you’d see the breakeven point of the S&P500 Index taking 14 years to breakeven.

2. Why did the blue line go higher during the Dotcom Crash? It went higher because Question #1 not only answers whether to be in or out of the stock market but also tells the investor what asset to be in while out of the stock market. In this case. The asset was “cash” making 5% a year.

3. How much did the blue line grow during the S&P 500’s “breakeven” time period? The “blue line” was up 50%. So that same $100,000 that most people were happy to just get back if they had their money in the S&P500, the “blue line” investor was already up 50% or $150,000.

The 2008 Global Financial Crises…How Did This Approach Do?

The blue line in the price chart below is the result of just asking the first of the two-question strategy. Notice the difference between the blue line and the red line.

The red line in the price chart below is the S&P500 index.

The price chart above has THREE TAKEAWAYS:

1. Question #1 kept people out of the stock market for 18 months while the market fell an additional 46% after already falling 12%, when Question #1 got people out.

2. Question #1 got people back into the stock market in August of 2009.

3. The S&P500 took six years to breakeven. During that same time period the “blue line” would have grown people’s money 30%.

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The Problem...

You can see for yourself. Below is what the buy and hold investor had to endure from 2000 to 2013.

But RC… I diversify between bonds and stocks into a Balanced fund. As you can see for yourself, the investor in a balanced fund didn’t fare much better.

Balanced Fund Investors

It's not too late.

You can still adjust your approach before the next major stock market correction hits people’s assets. And this one may not be as kind as the last two have been, both in depth and time to get back to breakeven.

The Market isn't the Problem. It's Your Strategy!

What can I expect from Fearless Wealth Research?

You get complete access to our Fearless Wealth Research. This also includes our Investment Library that will give you the tools to get started today. Our strategy is the same one that signaled to get out of the market in 2000 before the market fell 50%. This is the same strategy that signaled to get out of the market in January 2008 before the market fully went into its 58% fall.

Just look below. Please note, past performance is no guarantee of future returns. To get your money on the blue line the investor would have had to know about this approach and actually implement it.

Balanced Fund Investors

Normally $997. Now $497 for one year (save $500) or $797 for two years (save $1200).

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Yearly Subscription

Normally $997Save $500 every year with this subscription.

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What You Get

  • Monthly Market Report
  • Monthly Bonus Live Q&A
  • Alerts on Market Changes
  • Model Portfolio
  • Daily, Weekly, Monthly Updates
  • RC's Investment Library
  • No Hype
  • No Fear-Mongering
  • Just Clarity
Two Year Subscription

Normally $1497Save $700 every year with this subscription.

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What You Get

  • Monthly Market Report
  • Monthly Bonus Live Q&A
  • Alerts on Market Changes
  • Model Portfolio
  • Daily, Weekly, Monthly Updates
  • RC's Investment Library
  • No Hype
  • No Fear-Mongering
  • Just Clarity

What can I expect from Fearless Wealth Research?

  • We will show you exactly whether to be in or out of the market
  • We will show you when to be in or out each minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, and year and we'll send any interim alerts if the answer changes
  • We will also send you a weekly status update
  • We will send you a monthly research paper describing any changes or reasons or expectations of what is happening or what we see potentially happening.
  • As a bonus, RC will conduct a monthly Live QA with any questions you may have about the strategy.
  • We will make sure you will never invest alone
  • We never send “hype” to you
  • We will never upsell any research, we will simply give it to you as a paid-up customer when we create more
  • We will never overwhelm you with six emails a day with new data that is pointless. Even if it’s interesting. In other words, we will respect your time.

Why Would I Lower the Price So Much?

Even though access to our research is easily worth $1,000 a year. There are some who feel like that already low price is too much for them. I get it. And so I want to make a one-time exception and help out those that still want to know what really works.

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Yearly Subscription

Normally $997Save $500 every year with this subscription.

every year
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What You Get

  • Monthly Market Report
  • Monthly Bonus Live Q&A
  • Alerts on Market Changes
  • Model Portfolio
  • Daily, Weekly, Monthly Updates
  • RC's Investment Library
  • No Hype
  • No Fear-Mongering
  • Just Clarity
Two Year Subscription

Normally $1497Save $700 every year with this subscription.

every two years
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What You Get

  • Monthly Market Report
  • Monthly Bonus Live Q&A
  • Alerts on Market Changes
  • Model Portfolio
  • Daily, Weekly, Monthly Updates
  • RC's Investment Library
  • No Hype
  • No Fear-Mongering
  • Just Clarity

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don't like the service?

You have 30 days to watch and consume everything on the site. If you don't want the service then we will hand you back 90% of your money in the first 30-days.

What if I need help implementing it?

You can ask us to implement the strategy for you or you can ask questions during our monthly gathering, which is the second Tuesday of every month.

Why does it work so well?

The Fearless Wealth Strategy works so well because it avoids all catastrophic losses.

Why $497?

If you’re thinking, “$497 is cheap…what’s the catch?” then here are two reasons that should put your mind at ease:

1. $497 puts this information within the reach of everyone…from first time investors to “been in for ten years” and even long-time veterans. (And at $997, you shouldn’t have to get approval or fill out a purchase order.)

2. It weeds out the freebie-seekers. We only want serious investors who take action, and in our experience charging anything…gets rid of 99% of the chuckle-heads

But that’s it…

No fine print…no “hidden trials”…no shenanigans. Just the information you need and the results you want.

Do Any of the Brokerage Houses like Schwab, Etrade, TD Amertirade or ScottTrade, Merrill, etc. Have Any Requirements To Use This Program?

No. But your broker is not going to like what you read in this Execution Formula. I’ve stripped out all the B.S. complexity and left you with what REALLY works in the stock market. So your guy (or gal) isn’t going to like why this approach works… because it’s straightforward. AND you’ll be able to use it.

How long will it take to get access to the Fearless Wealth Strategy?


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