Train Your Brain To Be Rich(er)

Grow Your Money 30% Faster

Discover the natural brain function that easily and automatically grows your portfolio AT LEAST 30% faster than your current portfolio… even if it’s in retirement accounts… and without trading, timing or having to tune into the current news cycles.

Retail: $97

Discounted Price: $7 — Save 93%

We’ve Been Training Brains To Be Rich Since 1998

Your Training Includes...

The Fearless Portfolio

When developed correctly, a fearless portfolio filters out the noise of the market. It’s not shaken or shaped by the noise. It stays on the right side during a recessionary market drop. AND it enjoys the market’s rise during long term expansions. The end result is a portfolio that grows safely and accelerates faster without increased risk or effort.

The One Magic Question

Ask this “magic” question, before diversifying, investing, or reinvesting your money, and your answer will instantly identify which part of the market is the strongest and which is the weakest.

Points of Belief

Think more of what your money would want and less what your Big-Box advisor has taught you to want. Your money only wants to be aligned with the market. Once you are able to see the market from your money’s point a view, you will be able to take your life from where it is to where you want it to be.

Activate Your RAS

You know when you bought your last car and drove it off the lot, and then immediately and naturally your brain saw all the other cars just like yours on the road. How did your brain do that? There was no effort or studying or homework or learning. It just happened. Your brain just switched its filter from off to on. Immediately. I’ll train your brain to do the same thing with investing. Only it won’t be cars you’re seeing. It will be the strongest and safest sectors for your money.

About Your Trainer

RC has been training people’s brains to find success around money since 1998. He also helped his students avoid both stock market recessions (2000 and 2008). Best of all his one of a kind approach  trains people to eliminate investment stress, market stress, financial angst and overwhelm around keeping or growing money.

Over the past 12 months as markets reached new heights, RC has successfully trained people to spot the difference between a crash and a correction, even in this very manipulated market and political climate… and despite a zero and negative interest rate world.

Become A Powerful Steward of Your Money & Master Your Ability To Generate Stability And Growth On Demand

  • Validate or discredit ANY investment opportunity in less than 60 seconds    (HINT: Take X and reprice it in Y = go/no-go)
  • Create the PERFECT strategy for your Portfolio… (Do this right and you’ll see growth AND stability accelerating your money).
  • Ensure your money is actually working hard for you… (HINT: follow the big-box advisor world and your portfolio will CONTINUE to suffer)
  • Use these proven steps to get MORE growth and MORE simplicity from even your most tax sheltered accounts.
  • Learn which part of the globe your money should be allocated to and for how long and then where to move it.
  • Perform “CPR” on your most complicated portfolio to clean it, revive it, and get it growing again with less effort or stress than you ever thought possible. (Never again file away unopened or unread statements because you just don’t want to deal with the confusion--or losses)
  • Discover the one magic investment asset question (and why answering this question will practically grow your money for you).
  • Turn on this psychological marker so your money gets primed and ready to move to the safest AND strongest parts of the market.
  • One simple follow up question that actually works to ensure that you’re only changing investments when the market thinks it’s best for you. (This is how to get better returns without BURNING through your time, falling victim to the latest newsletter promotion, or being glued to the news cycle).

Our brand new and powerfully simple training makes it easy for you to digest and act on this training immediately. You won’t just be learning, you’ll be trained so you can begin implementing within the hour.

  • The most important image to look at before triggering ANY shifts in your investments or allocation (Get this wrong and the next sell could slow your growth… or worse - have you miss out)
  • Start with this image… a perfect picture to start building a real portfolio that can filter the noise, confusion and manipulation and turn your hard saved money into a certain future.
  • Don’t Price In Dollars… How to see and double down on the most successful part of your portfolio (so you are always allowing the market’s natural growth to bring more income to you).
  • The only reason you ever want to have money exposed to the international markets (and how to leverage your money when the signal is clear)
  • One powerfully simple price chart magic trick that will plug all the leaks in your portfolio in a matter of minutes.
  • One must-use chart to monitor your portfolio from arms distance to allow it to grow and thrive (without you getting in its way)

Future defining question for every investor, professional, retiree and business owner, that STILL does not have a recession-proof, resilient portfolio that’s creating more certainty for you everyday.

What’s the difference between…

... a portfolio that generates stable growth and income, assures you of a future with enough money, and sees your life life grow to new levels of peace of mind and choice…


… the portfolio that barely bumps along and leaves you shoulder shrugging your way through another recession?

HINT: It’s something that ordinary investors have been taught to ignore for years (but that’s because they’re following someone else's business model (read: Big-Box Advisors or The Pick Of The Month Newsletter World).

Now, these ordinary investors might think training your brain (or money) sounds “silly” … but smart investors know better. Smart investors know there’s nothing silly about AVOIDING debilitating losses or being able to ride a 10 year bull market without effort or worry.

Smart investors know that, when trained properly, there’s no faster, easier, or more cost-efficient way to generate the income, growth and stability they want in their life than training their brain and money to do what’s intelligent.

But how do you do it the right way?


• How do you make sure your portfolio knows when to avoid international stocks for 6, 7, 8 and even ten years? (A difference of hundreds of thousands of dollars.) Then…

• How do you get your money and portfolio to grow 30% faster? How do you make sure your money is growing faster with less effort and worry? And once you’ve been shown what to do…

• How do you actually train the brain and your money to do what it is supposed to do when its supposed to do it? And then, when it works…

• How do you automate the entire process so all your new stability and wealth is converted into income streams and growth… literally, while you sleep?

These are the very questions EVERY investor must be able to answer…

More importantly, these are the questions every portfolio must be able to accomplish if it is wanting to fully maximize the power of the markets for their benefits.

So if you want to make sure that your portfolio is growing 30% faster…

...but also generates income, stability and growth, and (most importantly) true peace of mind, then you need to train your brain and money on this critical behavior.

But how do you do it?

Fortunately, that’s exactly what this training covers....

Training Details

What You'll Get

When you enroll in the Micro-Training today, you’ll receive instant access to:

      • The Grow Your Money 30% Faster Training
      • The unedited transcript of the entire training
      • The complete PowerPoint Deck for easy review

Plus, upon completing the micro-training you’ll also receive:

      • Access to me to review your course to find out what you are really wanting to solve
      • Access to any updates, edits or changes to the “Grow Your Money 30% Faster Training” for life

Who Should Take This Micro-Training

  • Newsletter Subscribers

    There was a reason you clicked on that last “pick of the month” newsletter story. You were looking for something. Clarity. Hope. Certainty. There’s nothing more clear, hopeful or certain then being able to know you will have enough money and income… regardless of the economy, politics or manipulation.

  • Big-Box Advisor Clients

    They said everything would be okay. They didn’t do anything. They just kept holding and holding and holding and said, “it would eventually come back.” They’re right about it coming back, sort of. But what if it takes them 10 to 15 years to make your money back. That’s not okay. Let me show you a better way.

  • Long-time Market Participants

    Give your brain and your money the training it needs, so you can stay focused on what you want your life to really be about. If information was the answer we’d all be billionaires. Training is what you’ve been looking for. You just didn’t know. Henry Ford said, “If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”

Grow Your Money 30% Faster. Right Now. This Hour.

Retail: $97

Discount: $7

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