"From failure after failure in the stock market... To finally figuring it out"

Despite taking other courses, Matt and Kim kept having failure after failure in the stock market.

No matter what they did, no reading or research changed their behavior or yielded results.

In fact, their situation got to a point where they had to make a change or their marriage and investments would reach a point of no return.

So Matt and Kim made a decision. That decision was to invest $9,500 into RC's training program. And that one decision started a ripple of changes.  

Today, you'll hear how that investment as given them not just an ROI in the multiple hundreds of percentages. But how it has helped Matt and Kim finally figure things out --- From not trusting each other with investing and money to finally sitting on the same side of the table... and moving past the news and newsletter world into a cold, clinical observation of the market - and themselves. 

You'll hear:

1) Why they took the training. Very different motivations (minute 00:02)

2) How the training has shifted their marriage (minute 4:05)

3) What used to happen when they talk about money and what happens now (minute 5:00)

4) What their biggest surprise/takeaway was (minute 7:00)

5) What Matt thought was the most powerful thing a couple can walk away with at the end of the training (minute 19:00)

Insight #1 — I don't have to spend four hours a day looking at ticker symbols

During the interview, Matt said...

"It's amazing how simple your process is when measuring whether a stock is a buy or not to buy.

I was looking for more and more complicated answers because I thought the problem was more complicated.

So I looked for more information to solve the complication.

But the biggest surprise is that when you strip away all of the noise, this process is really simple.

It’s not complicated. It doesn’t have to be complicated.

I don't have to spend four hours a day looking at ticker symbols scratching my head trying to figure out what to buy, what not to buy, what to do, what not to do.

It’s the simplicity and effectiveness of it all that was not only the biggest takeaway but the biggest surprise."

Insight #2 — You have to change yourself if you’re going to learn something

Matt then says...

"The training ran contrary to everything I thought I knew.

But I kept coming back to the same question which is the same reason why we took the training in the first place which was all of my thoughts and notions and preconceptions of growing money were failing.

So it didn't matter that new information was running contrary to what I thought.

I just accepted that whatever it was that I had thought must be wrong.

And before I go back and try the same thing that doesn't work (again) let's accept new information. That’s what we paid for.

You have to change yourself if you’re going to learn something.

So I just started accepting that it was true."

Insight #3 — Don't wait until you hit rock bottom to make this change

Matt goes on to say that...

"At one point I (Matt) said to you (RC), well I don't know if it's too late for me to do this.

And you (RC) said, well you're not dead.

So yes I would say that not only is it not too late but don't wait until you hit rock bottom to make this change.

The other thing I would say to that is particularly on the sort of skeptical side of things.

We went through a conversation about I don't know, do we trust him, is this gonna work?

After coming through the program on the other side, I realize that it's not at all about trusting you at all.

It’s about learning how to trust each other around money. That’s the most powerful thing a couple can walk away with at the end of it.

The ROI on this is in the multiple hundred of percent of percentages. At the very least, it’s just a damn good investment."

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