Thank You!

Okay, we are on it.

Please expect an email from us in the next five minutes. This email will contain your login details and next steps.

If for any reason you do not get this email from us in the next five minutes then please email us. The best email is and/or you can call us at 650.257.0207.

Please push play on the video just below so I can thank you and tell you why I’m wearing a pink tuxedo in this video.

Next steps.

Simply click here and you can take advantage of my offer from the video. The offer is to get on the phone with me and really figure out that one thing that has been holding you back.

The phone conversation is not the outcome.

And even identifying the one thing that has been holding you back is not the outcome. The real outcome is knowing that you will not be hurt again when the market falls. And really this isn’t really the outcome either. The real outcome is knowing you will have enough money.

And even this isn’t really the outcome, The real outcome is being able to sleep well and eliminate all stress, angst and overwhelm from your investment life. And know you will be okay.

So go ahead, get on my calendar and let’s identify that one thing.

Personal advice has cost as much as $2,500 an hour. And it was worth it for them.

The investment for getting on the phone with me today is $100.

It’s not the $100. It’s the filter that this will create for people. Only people who are serious in figuring out this part of their life will step over that small barrier.

And if you don’t have the experience that this call was worth 5X what you paid, then I will give you back your money immediately.

Okay, thank you so much for being in my world. Here we go.

In Your Corner,


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