Free Training: Why Stock Picks and Even Better Information Will Never Create Amazing Stock Market Performance

(And What To Do Instead)

You're Going to Learn...

  • The One Powerful Simple Tool that told its users to get out of the market before the 2000 50% fall and the 2008 58% fall. And then back in to participate in the secular bull markets that followed.
  • “The Information” Dilemma - why more high quality information stopped working in 1999 and what to do instead.
  • How many investors unsuspecting entered into a “smartness contest” against the rest of the investment world.
  • The four symptoms that are slowly destroying investors lives and wealth from the inside.
  • Why your IQ and income might actually be sabotaging your efforts to create better returns and increase your wealth.
  • Why searching for income and dividends has slowed the growth and future certainty of investors and wealth builders.
  • And the Performance on Demand solution that has turned around and safely accelerated investors accounts for 2 decades.

Presented by

RC Peck

RC Peck is founder and CEO of Fearless Wealth. He's "the guy" for many of the world's most successful coaches and consultants. RC has a unique ability to help these high-achievers to create the critical shifts required to create "Wealth on Demand".