What is this call all about?

What's the biggest problem you want, no need, to be solved in regards to your money, investing and future?

We train people who have realized:

1) Big-box advisors cannot help them or are no longer able to help
2) Their pick-of-the-month investment newsletters are causing angst and overwhelm
3) Their blind spots are causing undo losses and missed growth despite investing for 10, 20 and even 30 years

Our clients' top three wants:

1) I have more to lose now, and have to know when to know when to be in or out of the market. I cannot suffer through another 40% to 60% drop in the market.
2) I want to stop worrying and start living (more) but the worry, stress, overwhelm and angst from the markets keeping me up at night.
3) I want to know, and I mean really know that I will have enough and am being the best steward of my money.

Are we a potential fit?

I don't know and that is why the phone call and being prepared for it is important to your money, future and choices. So please, if you haven't already, make sure you fill out this questionnaire and protect the time of our call.

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