My Story

"My ultimate mission in life is to help 1,000,000
individual investors get control of their future back
so they can make a bigger difference to their cause,
community and family."

Who is RC Peck?

1. I’m a reformed cynic. Who now just thinks of himself as a skeptical investor and a financial heretic that has dyslexia. 

2. I came into investing as a cynic because I saw my parents lose everything when I was teenager when their trusted adviser embezzled their money. Only then to see my parents hand their money over to a big-box adviser who didn’t believe in managing losses.

3. I’m a skeptical investor because those are the only kind that thrive.

4. I’m a financial heretic because I believe people should be able to choose a third option outside of the big-box and pick of the month newsletter world. So you know, the definition of heretic is the ability to choose, something the church didn’t want people doing.

5. I’m dyslectic, which means my brain thinks in images and not words, sentences or paragraphs. This is how I’m able to see patterns that others are unable to (or unwilling) to see.

6. I’m a CFP(R), Registered Investment Advisor and master NLP practitioner.

7. I’ve been married for over 13 years with two wonderful kids.

My Philosophy

"Truth is ever to be found in simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things."

Isaac Newton

Ruthless simplicity is where your power and edge will be found. We’ve been taught to think in ways that align our money with company's and business models:

  1. The big-box adviser (read: any adviser that is a long-only manager, has you in two or more mutual funds and/or doesn’t believe that you should ever be out of the market).
  2. The ‘pick-of-the-month’ newsletter industry. A place where you are pounded daily [sometimes hourly] with stock-picks touting the next Facebook of China that will provide you a 10,000% return. Sell their cleverness and buy simplicity.

We believe everything you need to know to avoid large losses and participate in all major up-trends can be done by asking two questions:

Question #1:

Is the S&P 500 in high probability mode?

Question #2:

Where is the money flowing?

High probability mode is simple. When the stock market is in a stable uptrend the probability of growing your money is high. If the market is not in a stable uptrend, your chances of growing your money are low. When the market is in high probability mode we want our money to be invested in the stock market. When it is in low probability mode we want our money out of the market.

Next ask: Where is the Money Flowing? What's great is there are only three places money flows when the market is in high probability AND low probability mode. When you know the answers to these two questions you simply put your money in front of the money flow. It's ruthlessly simple WHICH is why people don't see it. When you see it your future becomes stable, steady and secure.

Learn More About How These Two Questions Can Change Your Life.

When you know the answers to these two questions, your returns will skyrocket! The simplicity of our system is where our advantage lies. The power of asking these two questions and knowing how to answer them is the cornerstone of what you need to secure and protect your future.

Interested? Simple. Click the link below and take a look at our Performance Numbers.

We Believe...

  • Has their clients in two or more mutual funds. Mutual funds were great in the 1980’s. But it's a different world today.
  • Has their clients in ten or more individual investments. It’s just not necessarily and its complication for complication sake.
  • We believe selling complication works really well for big-box advisers because they can then swoop in as the hero to the complication they created.
  • Selling fear.
  • Selling hope.
  • Selling the upsell to just one more newsletter.
  • Creating overwhelm in your life.
  • Hitting your inbox with hundreds of stock picks a month.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I have to spend hours in front of the computer each day or week (or month) managing my positions?

No. More effort almost always leads to bad returns. And if you align your money properly the market does the work for you.

2. Do your two questions mean we will be trading?

No, 78% of the time the stock market is in a stable uptrend and that means there are quarters and years where your money is being taken on a stable, consistent safe acceleration higher. Its avoiding the 22% that is a key part to have stability in your investments.


3. Is your approach passive or active?

Neither or both. My approach is passive at times (no need to change anything) but when the market changes you have to be ready to shift with the market regardless of age or self described risk tolerance.

4. Why don’t you believe in diversification?

Mainly because it stopped working in 1996. With the advent of the internet markets, different sized stocks and sectors have never been more correlated as they are today. When the market falls 20% to 50% all equities are going with it.



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