John Mauldin is Kind-of Sort-of Very Wrong

“…we appear to be reaching a slowdown in the bull market…”  John Mauldin Economics  I got an email from John Mauldin’s newsletter service on Friday, November 1st 2019. Picture of it below. This date is important as his email says “the bull market is slowing down” but one of his services has the…wait for it,…

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New Investment Marketing With The Same Old Solutions

I was reading a blog post that came out from the world of Ritholtz Wealth Management, this company has absolutely been a change agent in the way they promote, market and connect with people on the front-end of their sales funnel.  They own the investing blogging sphere, at last count they have five different blogs/podcasts…

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Will The Real Jamie Dimon Stand Up?

In this week’s video we look at Jamie Dimon’s prediction.   Jamie Dimon is not only one of the richest people on the planet being a billionaire, but he is also the CEO of JP Morgan Chase, the largest Bank in the United States.  So when he tweets or speaks or gives sound bites they carry…

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Stock Market Narratives And A Good Night’s Sleep

In eleven days the world will start its 21st month of Trade Wars.  So what do you believe?  Do you believe you should take cover and trade your bitcoins for water? Or do you believe the world will figure this one out like it almost always does with the rest of the crazy things that…

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Why Do Stock Investors Care So Much???

Seth Godin had a great post that immediately made me think of investors. You can read below where I have cut and pasted it in its entirely.  The Anatomy of Annoying Pema Chodron’s story has stuck with me for a decade: At a meditation retreat, the guy sitting near her kept making an annoying clicking…

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Why Investment News Is Killing Your Portfolio

One image. One decade. One $550 trillion year. One nuclear annihilation. One assassination. One more assassination. And even one more assassination. This is why many people are losing money (and sleep). In Your Corner, RC Peck, CFP PS – I’ve have five extra things for my Money Badges this week… (1) Why learning what to…

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The Bond Market Got It Wrong… This Explains Why

You are being taught to invest from a position of ‘fight or flight’  What type of decisions do you think a person is making as they are running for their lives? The bear is behind them and closing in. And they are having to make an investment decision… So… is their brain thinking long-term? No.…

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Oops. This Might Really Hurt Retirees

We’ve been taught bonds are safe and stocks are dangerous.  It’s not that bonds are actually dangerous, it’s the story of safety that has been wrapped around them for the past 50 years that is dangerous.  We are all taught to keep “safe money” in bonds. And money that can get kicked around and beat…

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German Yields Rule The World

These charts will change how you see everything.  Let me explain.  We’ve all been taught to fight the last war.  In the 1970’s and 1980’s “NOT being diversified” was where the war was waged. And then the world got index funds and Mutual Funds and ETFs. And now today people are still being taught to…

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Ask Me Anything

About 60 days ago I asked the Fearless Wealth community to ask me anything. Below are ten questions, plus a bonus that I curated based on all the questions that came in.  If you like this format please let me know and I’ll do it again.  Below are the questions. In many cases I had…

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